
Kemetic Works

Scientific and Religious Studio

A visible part of the studio’s activities is to create reliable (as far as possible) sources of knowledge, i.e. books and other stuff on the Ancient Egyptian religion, as well as its modern confession (Kemetism). The target audience for the results of studio’s creativity are individuals interested in this religious tradition, in whose hearts Kemet (Ancient Egypt) and its deities live.

Ancient Egyptian Religion

We rely on the scientific works of many generations of researchers (Egyptologists and Archaeologists) who rediscovered for the world the completely different (from the ancient Greek one) and dynamically changing religious system of the ancient Nile Valley. It is extremely multifaceted and goes far beyond traditional ideas limited to mythology.

Methods and principles

Worldviews, the created content is based on

Respect for religion and its complexity
Truth is more important
The mystical is not necessarily true
The key to success is study and application of knowledge